Checking out/Renewing
Circulation and Borrowing Policy
Library Fines:
Item | Fine (per day) | Maximum Fine (per item) |
Books | 50¢ | $20.00 |
Reference Materials | $1.00 | $30.00 |
Electronic Devices | $10.00 | $100.00 |
Cost of Replacement: Cost varies by item – Consult with the Librarian.
To avoid library fines return or renew material on or before the due date.
Items overdue by more than 30 days are considered lost and you will be charged, in addition to any accrued overdue fine, for its replacement and the processing charges incurred by the library to acquire the replacement. The full cost of the replacement will be refunded if library material is returned in good condition within 90 days of payment. No refunds will be processed after 90 days. If you return an item for which you have been billed the replacement cost, please see the Librarian to adjust the charges associated with the item on your record. Overdue fees (if applicable) will still apply to lost items that are found. This policy does not apply to electronic devices. Please see the Electronic Devices Policy section for additional information on checking out electronic devices.
Replacements can also be accepted for lost items. Replacements must be the same item (including the same edition/version) and must be in new or like-new condition. Any replacements should be brought to the MPI Librarian for approval and to update the library record. The librarian reserves the right to refuse any replacement items. Overdue fees (if applicable) will still apply to lost items that are replaced. Replacements will not be accepted after 90 days.
If you believe library charges were billed to your account in error or would like to report a lost/stolen item, please contact the MPI Library to fill out a library appeal form.
Loan Policies
- Materials are due back within 2 weeks of checkout and must be returned by closing time on the due date to avoid a fine.
- The maximum number of materials that can be checked out at any given time by students is 5 items.
- The due date stamped on the due date slip is your notice of when library material must be returned. If there are any questions regarding the due date, please contact the MPI Librarian. Reminders of due dates may be sent to students, however, these overdue notices are sent as a courtesy and failure to receive one, for whatever reason, does not remove the student’s responsibility for meeting each due date or paying subsequent fines.
- Students will not be eligible to checkout materials while current late fees are posted on their account. There must be a library balance of $0 before students will be eligible to check out materials again.
- Library privileges may be suspended or a registration block will be initiated for borrowers who fail to abide by this policy. The Library is not authorized to issue override requests for fines and other money owed to the Library. Library accounts must be settled before registering for classes, obtaining transcripts, taking boards etc.
- MPI students must be registered for classes in the current semester to borrow materials, otherwise borrowing privileges are not provided. MPI faculty and staff must be currently employed by MPI and present their employee badge to borrow materials. Adjunct faculty must have current employment to have library privileges.
- Your MPI ID is your Library card
- The library card holder assumes the responsibility for all materials, and is responsible for replacement related costs for lost, stolen or damaged items. Lending or giving a book or material you have borrowed from the MPI Library to someone else does not remove you from being responsible for that material.
- Returning/Renewing Materials & Holds
- Renewing Materials is possible by calling or emailing the MPI Librarian, or in person at the Library. Renewals are not guaranteed if the material has been placed on hold by another student/staff.
- When returning materials to the library, please use the designated book return area at the Circulation Desk.
- Students can only renew materials for continued use for up to 30 days (2 renewals). After this time, materials must be returned to the library to begin the check-out cycle again.
- Once items are overdue, they cannot be renewed by phone or email, materials must be returned to the library to pay any fines and re-checkout the materials.
- Placing holds – Holds can be placed on materials currently checked in or out of the library. To place a hold, please call or email the MPI Librarian with the request. Held books currently available in the library will be on hold for 1 week before they will be placed back into circulation. Books that are checked-out will be available once the item is returned.
- Reference Materials can be renewed once for an additional week either by phone, email or in person (see the Reference Policy section for additional details).
- Holds are not available for Reference Materials or electronic devices.
Reference Policy
- Reference materials must be used in the library and cannot be checked out unless requested and approved by the MPI Librarian.
- To request to check out a Reference item please contact the librarian for a Reference Material check-out Form. Approvals are made at the Librarian’s discretion and are not guaranteed.
- For any Reference materials that are checked out, they must be returned within 1 week. There is a $1.00 per day fine for every day a Reference item is late.
- Reference items are designated with the Subject/Location code of REF.
Electronic Device Policy
- The MPI Library may have electronic devices available for loan to students. Students must checkout any electronic devices from the library.
- For any electronic devices that are checked out, they must be returned within 1 week from the date of checkout. There is a $10.00 per day fine for every day an electronic device is late.
- Electronic devices are not eligible for Holds or renewals.
- Electronic devices are considered as lost if they are not returned within 2 weeks after checkout. If the item is not returned within this time, the student will be charged the full amount of the item plus any accrued overdue fine. Refunds will not be processed once a replacement has been purchased. No replacements will be accepted as payment for a lost electronic device.
- Upon check-in the electronic device will be inspected for any damage beyond normal wear and tear. If damage to the device is discovered the student will be responsible for any repair costs.
- The school reserves the right to revoke any access to checking out electronic devices especially in the event of loss or damage by a student.